How you begin your day determines how the rest will unfold. If you start in a very hazardous way, you are likely to feel hurried and a bit all over the place. In essence, you are setting yourself up for stress which may affect your whole day.
Wake up a bit earlier
We believe in adopting a schedule closer to the body’s natural circadian rhythm. That helps us feel happier and healthier. Waking up 15 minutes earlier will give you that extra little time to experience gratitude for the amazing things happening in your life – those blessings to be grateful for. It reinforces happiness and positivity by shedding light on those awesome things, small or big, that grace you every day living.
Hydrate your body
During the night the body becomes dehydrated because you typically haven’t been drinking for at least 8 hours. As health educators, we learned that drinking living spring water with lemon first thing in the morning will gently awaken and stimulate the digestive system while rehydrating the cells. It is a great way to get your body and mind going.
Nourish your body
During the night the body is in rest and repair mode, detoxifying and cleaning up the debris from the previous day. Upon waking cellular activity is preparing to get moving again, so now is the perfect time for superior quality, nutrient-dense, easy to digest living food. The morning the cells are refreshed and ready to receive the necessary nutrients to begin the day. The entire digestive system is empty and the epithelial tissues are awakened ready for transport.
By far and not even a close contest, the best food to give the body, at this time, is Raw Living Spirulina. There is no doubt that this life force will energize, invigorate, and awaken even the most tired. Just mix a Spoonful of Life in with fresh coconut water, fresh green juice or pure spring water and drink immediately – or just eat right off the spoon as we do.
Move your body
Did you know that exercising in the morning brings you more benefits than exercising at all other times of the day? According to the National Institute Health, exercising first thing in the morning is a great way to commit to getting in your workout routine before having any excuses for being too busy.

Physical movement outside will move the inside. It is as important to move the blood as it is to feed providing a dramatic increase in energy levels for the day. National Institute of Fitness and Sport suggests that working out in the morning increases metabolism because of the increased level of testosterone produced by the body overnight which builds muscles more efficiently.
Be passionate
Dr. Brian Clement, the Co-director of Hippocrates Health Institute, believes that finding your passion and sharing it with others should also be part of the daily ritual in order to reach absolute health.
We at the Raw Living Spirulina are very passionate about providing this amazing product and sharing it with others. Opening the inbox every morning and reading the amazing messages we receive from our customers, their healing stories and their gratefulness, make our every day oh so beautiful.

So, wake up a bit earlier, hydrate and move your body and be passionate about what you’re doing and I promise you that your life will be changed in just about every way imaginable.
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