Most of us overdo it during the holidays. Luckily, there’s always the day AFTER to detox and recover. Try these five gently cleansing drinks and you will feel lighter, hydrated, fresh and clear-headed.
Holiday favorites— create a toxic buildup. Many people get sluggish and even bloated as a result of excess undigested food in the body. Detox drinks help to naturally unclog, reduce inflammation, boost energy, support digestion, cleanse the liver and promote healthy skin.
The following 5 detox drinks are easy to make — there are a number of fruits, vegetables, herbs and superfoods that stimulate detoxification while providing vitamins and minerals that keep the body functioning properly.
Detox is part of my everyday health routine and I hope that you will do the same by using any combination of the following detox recipes.

Half lemon, sliced
1 glass of fresh spring water.
Feel free to add some freshly picked mint leafs
Mix the lemon slices with the water and let it sit for at least an hour. Add the fresh mint leaves just before serving and enjoy.
Lemons are a powerful healing fruit that contains phenomenal antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-cancer properties. Lemons are rich in vitamins C and B-complex and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, silicon, copper, and potassium. They are considered to be a wonderful tonic and can help to cleanse and detoxify the entire body.
Although lemons have an acidic taste they actually have a very strong alkaline reaction on the body and can help to alkalize blood, cells, lymph, organs, and tissues. Lemons are known to help destroy putrefactive bacteria in the mouth and intestines which can help alleviate flatulence, indigestion, and constipation.
Did you know that mint has one of the highest antioxidant capacities of any food? It’s the perfect ingredient for detox drinks because it invigorates the senses while soothing an upset stomach or indigestion. Mint improves the flow of bile through the stomach and speeds up the digestion process, helping to detoxify the body. It also has antimicrobial properties and can be used to support oral health.
2-4 organic cucumbers
Run the cucumbers through your juicer and drink immediately for the best results. If you do not have a juicer, then blend the cucumbers lightly and strain the liquid.
Cucumber juice is a highly alkalinizing and hydrating drink that is rich in nutrients such as vitamins A, C, K, magnesium, silicon, and potassium. It has the ability to cleanse and detox the entire body as well as help to alleviate digestive problems such as gastritis, acidity, heartburn, indigestion, and ulcers. It is also an ideal way to properly hydrate the body since it contains beneficial electrolytes that have the ability to bring nutrients and hydration deep into the cells and tissues making it far more effective than water alone.
Cucumber juice is also one of the best natural diuretics around, aiding in the excretion of wastes through the kidneys and helping to dissolve uric acid accumulations such as kidney and bladder stones. It has the ability to help reduce edema, bloating and swelling in the body. It also has wonderful anti-inflammatory benefits which can significantly benefit autoimmune and neurological disorders such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Migraines, Anxiety, Depression, Shingles, Eczema, Psoriasis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, & Lupus.
1 celery stalk
Run the celery through your juicer and drink immediately for the best results. If you do not have a juicer, then blend the celery lightly and strain the liquid.
If people knew all the potent healing properties of celery juice, it would be widely hailed as a miraculous superfood. Celery has an incredible ability to create sweeping improvements for all kinds of health issues.
In fact, there is a Global Celery Juice Movement where millions of people across the globe, are experiencing the health-changing benefits of drinking sixteen ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning, a healing practice that was originated by Anthony William.
Celery juice is teeming with powerful anti-inflammatory properties. According to Anthony William, the famous Medical Medium, celery juice is highly beneficial for people who suffer from chronic and mystery illnesses, including conditions labeled “autoimmune.” Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), fibromyalgia, myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), Lyme disease, migraines, vertigo, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diabetes, psoriasis, eczema, acne, lupus, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sarcoidosis, Raynaud’s syndrome, Ménière’s disease, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), gout, bursitis, bloating, intestinal cramping, distention, acid reflux, vertigo, constipation, restless leg syndrome, tingles, and numbness.
It is the mineral salts that are critical for our bodies to function optimally. They keep your kidneys and adrenals functioning and raise your gut’s hydrochloric acid so your body can break down and assimilate what you eat—while they balance your pH as well as cleanse and repair your stomach, the rest of your digestive tract, and, most importantly, your liver.
Why is it so beneficial that celery juice strengthens hydrochloric acid in your gut? Because hydrochloric acid is critical to digestion and to keeping your digestive system alkaline.
When you eat, food quickly travels down to your stomach to be digested with the help of hydrochloric acid. If hydrochloric acid levels are out of balance or low, your food won’t be sufficiently digested in your stomach. That means the food won’t break down enough for your cells to access the nutrients, and instead, the food will just sit there and rot, causing bad acids to develop.
Here’s where our heroic celery juice comes in: It effectively rebuilds the stomach’s complex balance and supply of hydrochloric acid. It also strengthens the digestive system by helping to heal the liver, which leads to an increase in bile production, easing constipation and bloat. Celery juice is one of the most profound ways, if not the most profound way, to restore digestive health.
25% Cucumber juice
25% Celery juice
25% Sunflower Sprouts juice
25% Pea Sprouts juice
Add Ginger as a dietary aid to prevent indigestion.
Run through the juicer and drink immediately for the best results.
The Hippocrates Signature Green Juice is a major component of the Life Transformation Program and adding this delicious and nutritious drink to your daily routine is one of the best things you can do for your health. Juicing green vegetables provides your body with highly concentrated nutrients that are optimal for regenerating, purifying, and healing your body. Juicing removes the fiber and allows for easier digestion and better nutrient absorption.
Consuming a green juice as a replacement for a meal is a great way to give your digestive system a rest by providing it with the necessary nutrients that are needed to help repair, heal and nourish your body.
Additionally, drinking green juice will naturally aid in weight loss because cravings for sweets and processed foods will diminish as you are providing your body with the nutrients that it needs.
Incorporating this incredible green drink into your life will help improve your energy, aid in weight loss and contribute to healthy, glowing skin while also removing toxins from your body. Juicing provides your body with an instant rush of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to help you with natural, real energy to help you through your day.
Sprouts provide the body with essential nutrients and digestive enzymes while also detoxifying the body and reducing inflammation.
Fresh coconut water
1 tablespoon of Raw Living Spirulina
Mix the Raw Living Spirulina in coconut water very gently using a whisk. Serve immediately for the best results.

The best way is to consume as first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach.
According to Tom Fisher, an RN for Hippocrates Health Institute, consuming Raw Living Spirulina is one of the most powerful healing supplements used at the institute, and it can have an incredibly positive effect on the human constitution.
Raw Living Spirulina is a good detox agent as it is very rich in chlorophyll, and contains bioavailable iron. In addition, although low in calories, fresh Spirulina provides vital nutrients during detoxification.
Our Raw Living Spirulina is the freshest, living superfood you can find in the USA. We harvest very delicately every week and ship to your door in just two days.
Coconut water is a highly nutritious, cleansing, and refreshing juice that is lightly sweet and packed with B-complex vitamins and minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and manganese. Coconut water is one of the highest sources of electrolytes known. It’s a natural isotonic beverage with the same level of electrolytic balance that we have in our blood. In our body, plasma is what makes up 55% of human blood and coconut water is identical to human plasma, which makes it a universal donor.
Coconut water is low in calories and is an excellent weight loss drink. It also has the ability to hydrate the body on a deep, cellular level making it an essential beverage for athletes and those that live a busy, active life. It also has been shown to help balance pH levels, boost the immune system, and support kidneys in filtering toxins and reducing the risk of kidney stones.
Coconut water and Raw Living Spirulina make it the most delicious, healthiest and most powerful detox drink ever.
These easy detox drinks will help lift your energy, feel lighter, and rejuvenated, just in time for another approaching holiday.
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