Iron requirements go up significantly when you’re pregnant. Iron is essential for making hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen to other cells. During pregnancy, the amount of blood in your body increases until you have almost 50 percent more than usual. And you need more iron to make more hemoglobin for all that additional blood. You also need extra iron for your growing baby and placenta.
Unfortunately, most women start pregnancy without sufficient stores of iron to meet their body’s increased demands, particularly in the second and third trimesters. If you get to the point where you no longer have enough iron to make the hemoglobin you need, you become anemic.
Raw Living Spirulina can really help new moms, especially in fighting against tiredness and fatigue. The key reason why spirulina is a game-changer in the matter is iron – and raw living spirulina is the world’s richest source of bioavailable iron as well as being chock-full of other essential nutrients and antioxidants.
The very high iron content in Raw Living Spirulina should be doubly stressed because iron deficiencies (anemia) are very widespread, particularly in pregnant women and children, and good sources in food are rare. As a comparison, whole cereals, which are ranked as one of the best sources of iron, contain only 150-250 mg/kg. In addition, iron supplements given in the form of ferrous sulfate can pose a toxicity problem and often cause diarrhea. Cereals, meanwhile, are rich in phytic acids and phosphatic polymers, which sharply limit the bioavailability of the iron they contain. In the case of spirulina, iron bioavailability has been demonstrated to be very high.

In a nutshell, physiological requirements in iron are three times higher than usual in pregnant women, with increasing demands as pregnancy advances and your baby needs more nutrients to build its own organism. More than three-quarters of women end their pregnancy with depleted storage iron. This soon leads to a fall in hemoglobin levels, and as a result, the body transports oxygen to cells with less efficiency, resulting in low energy levels. Iron is an essential element in all cells and symptoms of iron deficiency are quick to arrive, ranging from fatigue to irritability, and poor concentration to hair loss.
On top of correcting the prevalent lack of iron in new mothers, spirulina will contribute many antioxidants, essential minerals, and vitamins in a natural way, providing your body a nice welcome after nine months of hard work.
Why Raw Living Spirulina by the way? Simply because we’re the only ones to offer culinary-grade fully bio-available spirulina, easy to add to your favorite foods without having to make an effort or sacrifice taste. Our spirulina is fresh as it can be and has virtually no taste, far from the stench of the usual spray-dried product, cooked (we would say burnt!) at temperatures above 100°C where overall nutrient quality is dramatically reduced, even destroyed.
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