The twentieth century has not been kind to the cells of mainstream food consumers. After accepting this fact, we need to make a mental shift to find the roots of wellness in a different place – in a living foods diet. Not only do living foods give our body’s cells the vitamins, minerals, and proteins they need, but they also supply the oxygen, enzymes, alkalinity, and bioelectrical charges so vital to cellular health that no other foods offer.
The curative powers of living foods have long been known to Western Judaic Christian tradition for over two thousand years, where people lived an average of 120 years. In Asia, sprouted seeds were used for food and medicine for more than twice as old as the Great Wall of China.
Even in modern times, the value of a living foods diet has gained scientific support. For example, Dr. Max Gerson used living foods to cure his migraine, and soon enough, he recognized that living foods help rebuild the vital regenerative force of the total organism.
Unfortunately, by the 1950s, the population had become enamored with the supermarket and its canned and processed foods, the promise of chemical preservatives and pesticides, and the lure of fast foods.
Our ancestors were not buying their fresh produce in supermarkets. Most of them grew the food and enjoyed its new, whatever was growing in season. The further away we get from our gardens and farming, the unhealthier food we consume and the sicker we become.
But how come the value of a living foods diet was lost while our health declined? What are we missing?
What is a living food diet?
Living food is food that, by the time you consume it, is still in the growing process. Most of the fresh food available in supermarkets today is not living because it was picked a very long ago and probably preserved to stay green and beautiful until you buy it.
The highest quality foods are natural, living foods. Amino acids are in their finest form, and minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates, trace elements, oxygen, enzymes, and hormones are all present and recognizable by the human body.
In addition to an adequate daily intake of certain nutrients, a healthy body needs enzymes, a balanced pH, oxygenated blood, good digestion, robust immune systems, and bioactive electrically charged tissues and cells. Only living foods give the body all these essential food components.
Let’s talk about enzymes.
Enzymes are essential biological molecules that significantly speed up the rate of virtually all of the chemical reactions that take place within cells. They are vital for life and serve many critical bodily functions, such as aiding digestion and metabolism.
We are gifted with a limited supply of enzymes when we are born. Consuming raw, living foods as nature intended will last a lifetime. However, when we consume dead foods without living enzymes, our body must draw from its reserves. What we need to know is that enzymes are highly heat-sensitive. Cooking food at a temperature higher than 118 degrees F kills the enzymes. When you eat cooked food only, the balance in your enzyme account drops and is not replenished, and your body faces enzyme bankruptcy. The body will rob enzymes from glands, muscles, nerves, and blood to help the demanding digestive process.
According to Dr. Edward Howell, low enzyme accounts can be the reason for so many chronic illnesses, such as allergies, skin disorders, obesity, heart disease, early aging, and even cancer.
Enzymes are responsible for building, cleansing, and healing the body. Don’t forget the number of enzymes can be quickly replenished by the living foods you eat. Only a living food diet will help make daily deposits into the enzyme account.

Celery, Cucumber, Fennel, Fresh Mint, Lemon
pH balanced
Scientists established a pH (potential Hydrogen) scale for measuring substances’ acid/alkaline balance. A healthy body is 30% acid and 70% alkaline, with a healthy blood plasma range between 7.36 and 7.38. However, today’s acid-based typical diet creates a highly acidic state, drastically affecting all body systems and the ability to function.
Cooked food creates acidity because no oxygen and enzymes are left after cooking. When food is not totally digested and absorbed, it turns into a waste product, increasing the body’s acidity.
According to the University of California, acidity and waste are the causes of a variety of health problems, such as osteoporosis, a decayed tooth, and body pain.
A Living foods diet will provide alkalinity from oxygen, enzymes, and bioactive vitamins and minerals.
No oxygen, no life
You know that all life requires oxygen, but you may not know that foods that don’t contain oxygen can rob that life-giving oxygen from our cells, causing disease and death.
Remember from that science lesson when we learned about photosynthesis? All plants absorb water and carbon dioxide and then give off oxygen. This is why living foods are composed of oxygen in the molecular structure of their chlorophyll content.
Chlorophyll is the blood of a plant, and when we eat plants, they feed the body with oxygen that we need to stay alive and healthy.
Raw Living Spirulina, for example, is a complete living food. It is rich in chlorophyll, ten times more than wheatgrass juice, contains all essential amino acids, and is a rich source of vitamins and minerals.
Our Spirulina and organically grown, living, fresh produce are the naturally enriched nourishment our bodies were created to enjoy.
The body becomes ripe for disease when we eat processed foods that contain no oxygen or cooked food, which creates a loss in oxygen content. We develop symptoms like low energy and sluggish digestion and metabolism.
You’ll find many chlorophyll-rich foods on a living foods diet, including dark-green leafy vegetables, broccoli, celery, cabbage, sprouts, algae, root vegetables, and fruits.
According to NASA, one pound of fresh Spirulina equals 1000 pounds of fresh vegetables. Can you imagine what a tablespoon of Raw Living Spirulina can do to your body daily?
Healthy digestion
A healthy body is dependent on a healthy digestive system. You can’t have one without the other.
You’ll also have a healthy colon when you consume living foods.
Let me explain why…
The enzymes naturally present in living foods digest the nutrients, pass through the cells lining of the digestive tract, and enter the bloodstream.
The digested fiber-rich foods enter the colon, where the nutrients are absorbed by the colon wall and distributed to the body’s cells through the bloodstream.
The toxic waste from the foods is bound for swift elimination by the friendly lactobacillus family of bacteria in the colon and then eliminated daily.
Foods without enzymes (cooked vegetables, white bread, pizza, eggs, animal products) enter the digestive system but can’t be broken down to absorb nutrients. It is complex and challenging to eliminate. This throws poisons into the body, causing gas, constipation, headache, and many other severe conditions. Toxins are absorbed through the colon and released in the bloodstream as free radicals or unstable, destructive electrons that will invade healthy cells. And this is how we develop illnesses…
Strong immune system
The immune system is one of our bodies’ most incredible and complex features. When functioning correctly, the system can identify and eliminate alien invaders while recognizing and leaving our cells to conduct their business.
Once bacteria, pollutants, pollen, or any foreign substances enter the body, the fighter cells in the immune system will call the white blood cells to help destroy and eliminate the intruder.
As soon as we consume dead food that is very hard to eliminate, we compromise the immune system’s vitality, causing it to work steadily to destroy and eliminate that food. So, once again, living foods are easy to digest, up to 100% absorbable, without compromising our immune system to do the extra work.
Bioelectrical charges
All human tissues and cells are electrically charged. In the human body, the proper electrical charges in and between cells allow the cells to rid themselves of toxins while selectively bringing inappropriate nutrients and oxygen. A drop in the electrical potential of the cells is the first step in the disease process, and this happens way before laboratory and diagnostic tests can find anything wrong.
The Medical Clinic of the University of Vienna found that a living foods diet increased the selective capacity of the cells by increasing the electrical potential between the tissue cells and the capillary cells. Dr. Eppinger found that living foods significantly improved the intracellular & extracellular excretion of toxins and the absorption of nutrients.
Living foods are believed to get their electrical charges from the highly charged electrons sent to us by the sun.
One of the most common questions we are asked is why we grow our Raw Living Spirulina in Florida, and the answer is because of the amount of sunshine we have almost every day of the year and the high temperature. Spirulina thrives in high-temperature water.
In conclusion, to answer the question of what we are missing, the answer is that we are not consuming living foods anymore, but we expect to be alive and vibrantly healthy. We (Tim & Georgiana) changed our diet years ago, and it works 100%. Spirulina is part of our food intake every day. We believe in this lifestyle more than anything else. It is the only way for us, and we want you to feel and experience the power of a living foods diet as well, to feel unique and happy every day.
We harvest our Spirulina every Sunday and Monday and ship to you every Monday and Tuesday. This is locally grown fresh and living food. We ship directly to you because we don’t want any other intermediary component that would lessen the nutritional value and quality of our Raw Living Spirulina.
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