Like the pharmaceutical industry, the selling of supplements and herbs has become a multi-billion dollar business. The original intent was honorable, however, today many contemporary products are of questionable utility at best and, do we really need them?
First, let me explain the history of supplements. At the beginning we had herbs as nature’s medicine, supposed to be administered carefully only by selected individuals.
Then informed people began to understand and use herbs to treat the sick. Soon enough new processes such as bottling, encapsulating and grinding of food were invented. In fact, Dr. Lee was among the first practitioners to grind food, put into capsules, and prescribe them to patients.
As soon as the market expanded with positive financial results, the pharmaceutical industry started to create synthesized supplements where synthetic vitamins and minerals were extracted from unnatural sources and tableted or encapsulated. They are unnatural because they are derived from fossil fuels such as coal tar and turpentine, not from food.
Today, most of the supplements on the market are man-made. These man-made products stimulate (or sedate) the immune system. Research studies indicate that these products attack your immune system sub-clinically, which is one of the reasons that supplementation is under critical scrutiny by both public and private organizations.
There are supplements for almost everything. They include calcium, vitamin D, C, B complex, multivitamins, omega-3, fiber, probiotics, coenzyme Q10, protein, and herbal supplements. In 2017, about 84 percent of Americans took dietary supplements, and according to the Council of Responsible Nutrition (CRN), sales exceeded $42 billion, an increase of 81 percent in the past decade. But are we healthier?
What most of us don’t fully understand is just how intelligent the human body is… not the brain part. The body will only truly welcome raw plant-based nutrients into the cell that is recognized and once the cell is full it closes the door. So, when one constantly consumes these unrecognizable synthetic pills, powders and potions the body begin to attack. This constant everyday process wreaks havoc on the entire immune system. It’s become a non-stop war against the body.
Quality vs. Quantity
The reality is that “Food is Medicine” for the body. Animals in the wild never take supplements and they are doing great. Today, how many supplements do you have in your cabinet? How often do you take them and how old are they? How were they made? Just because there is a pretty marketing label on the front doesn’t mean this is something your body wants or can use. Trust me, they are ALL toxic to your body! Stop wasting your money on these scams.

Health in a Spoonful of Raw Living Spirulina.
What we do need is an abundance of living plant-based nutrients the body recognizes. Foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouts, clean spring water, and pure oxygen. Foods that contain water together with bioavailable “living” nutrients are necessary to be properly assimilated into the human body. And if one consumed enough of these plants there would be no need for anything additional and no disease which are direct effects of malnutrition and week immune systems.
We do know and realize that in today’s western fast-paced lifestyles, so many of us live, that the priorities of constantly consuming food are not practical. The number of plants one needs to consume in a day in order to absorb the necessary cellular micronutrients with our depleted soils can be very challenging for many… to say the least.
This is why quality vs quantity is so important in our world today. When it comes to quality, superfoods rule. They are potent disease-fighting nutrient-dense foods that have many times more available nutrients by weight than the common mass-produced void stuff. Foods like berries, turmeric, ginger, Chaga, aloe vera, coconut water, exotic fruits such as noni, dragonfruit, mangosteen, etc. are nutrient-dense powerhouses filled with many times more nutrients than the average conventional food and for some these are the only “supplemental” foods necessary.
However, for the rest, even these superfoods aren’t enough. When things like health challenges arise, stress becomes overwhelming, foods become depleted, and when time is running out, it becomes crucial to get serious about our health.
Getting serious about health is not taking more supplements. I can assure you of that. Cleaning the body, detoxifying, resting is critical focal points while taking in the highest quality phytonutrients together with an abundance of pure water is vital.
Brian Clement, the Co-Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, in his book Supplements Exposed said that Phytonutrients are the vitamins of the future. In fresh living Spirulina, you get those phytonutrients such as chlorophyll, phycocyanin, carotenoids, carotenes, other carotenes, Xanthophylls, GLA, SOD, Zeaxanthin, betacarotene and full-spectrum Omega Fatty Acids in a true bioavailable living food.
Phytonutrients are the plant nutrients with specific biological activities that support human health and play a positive role by maintaining and modulating immune function to prevent specific diseases.
In addition to phytonutrients present in Raw Living Spirulina, there is a high concentration of raw essential minerals such as Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Manganese, Chromium, Sodium, Selenium, and Phosphorus.
NASA showed us in 2012 that a single spoonful of fresh Spirulina is like consuming over 62 pounds of fresh vegetables. I know that seems hard to believe so we put it to the test here in our laboratory. Seeing under the microscope a drop of vegetable juice vs a drop of living Spirulina made it staggeringly clear. Now, that’s what I call quality over quantity as seeing is believing.
The way I see it is that the real reason we are struggling in health care is that we see the body as biochemistry, as a physical being when in reality we are really made up of electrical frequencies and living energy. The consistent replenishment of this life-force and vital energy is essential to healing and regeneration of the body.
Raw food is the richest external food source of living energy and has the highest frequency of anything we can eat. Raw Living Spirulina contains all living vitamins, A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, E, and K, except Vitamin D which we get from the sun. So there is no need to ever purchase another synthetic dead toxic supplement ever again.
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