Timothy White, aka “Raw Guru”, knows personally about the amazing health benefits of Raw Living Spirulina and is determined to teach the real truth about health. He brings to the team over 20 years of holistic health and living nutrition research and experience. Timothy has helped thousands of people change their lives through his nutritional expertise and passion. He believes education is the most important level for people to make the change and acceptance especially with Raw Living Spirulina, a new product to the world. He teaches customers about the product in detail from cell biology to the impact of Raw Living Spirulina on human health.

Timothy White
Co-Founder – Co-Owner
Health & Wellness Educator
Tim loves hot yoga, fitness, tennis, and outdoor activities as part of his everyday life. He believes the physical body is the true reflection of overall health and wellness.
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From May 31, 2017 – June 30, 2017 Tim fasted on 100% Raw Living Spirulina (1 jar per day) and fresh Florida Coconut Water (8-10 per day) with blood tests done at the beginning and at the end. Before: May 2017 A / May 2017 B After: June 2017 A / June 2017 B.
Tim practices what he preaches and the above blood tests proves this. He eats only raw organic whole living plant based foods, drinks only fresh whole Florida coconuts, and natural mountain spring water he personally collects every 3 months from a remote wild springs in North Carolina. His lifestyle and dedication not only inspires but also reflects that which is possible.
Tim constantly seeks the truth to perfecting the health of our world. He practices a common sense approach based on human physiology and a strong moral compass. He believes, that Spirulina when consumes in its true natural living state (unprocessed) will transform any illness into wellness.
Effective and clear communication is his strength. He connects with customers in a very unique way which makes him a perfect match to the team. Other important qualifications of Tim are Product Management, People Management, Understanding the Customer, Product Development, Logistics, Competitive Analysis, Sales Planning, E-Commerce and Website Management.