Jeremy Weir, Microbiologist, is from Toledo, OH. He attended the University of Toledo and earned a Chemical and Environmental Engineering bachelor’s degree. His chemical engineering background was geared toward oil refining and process engineering. Still, in that experience, he saw all of the processes described and designed by practical industry were nothing more than mimicked processes from the smallest functional unit of life, the cell.
That insight drove him to learn more about biology and biochemistry in his education. It ultimately landed him in a research lab with the primary purpose of reducing the costs of growing, harvesting, and processing algae to produce biofuels. From there, he worked in the algae industry with companies all over the globe with a wide range of responsibilities, from consulting on projects to full-scale implementation of one piece to a whole range of equipment geared toward producing a product from algae. When the opportunity arose to help a company take on the challenges of providing an effective solution for the increasing demand for Raw Living Spirulina, he couldn’t let it pass.